Tuesday 02.23.2010

by joelpilon

Warm Up

200 singles

2 rounds:

10 PVC pass throughs

10 push ups

10 sit ups

10 over head squats

10 good mornings

5 pull ups

Focus: Hang Power Clean


5 rounds:

15 reps. Hang Power Clean 95lbs.

200m run

Time: 11:24

A hang power clean is simply a clean starting in the hang position. It’s kind of hard to describe. This was a challenge as usual; I generally like WODs with some sort of lifting weights and so I appreciated that. After today’s WOD I was considering how I am having less of a challenge with respiratory stamina as opposed to how much my muscles can handle. I certainly still breath hard, but I can last longer and don’t have to take as many breaks on account of catching my breath.