Wednesday 02.23.2010

by joelpilon

Warm Up

Some days I do not take my binder home to be accurate with the warm up. I often rely on the postings on the website to remind me of the WOD and my time, but the warm up is often not in the picture. But this warm up was nothing out of the ordinary.

But I do remember this one started with 200 single unders alternating kinds of jumping. For example: there is standard single unders, or skipping one foot at a time, or rack step back and forth, or double unders. I have been frustrated with my lack of coordination and often resort to regular single unders. Room for improvement.

Focus: is typically a refresher on an exercise or two to review technique and form, and often for the sake of using it in the WOD to follow. Today it was…

Hang Power Clean

Check out the link if you are curious of what a hang clean is…

I believe the only reason for saying power is for multiple reps. quickly.


5 rounds for time, each round consisting of…

15 Hang Power Cleans

200m Run

Time: 11:24

I have a love/ hate relationship with most workouts. One side of me likes walking in on a WOD that is seemingly easier than the day before. This often being too optimistic to realize  that there really are no easy WODs. The other side of me desires a killer WOD every day for I know this causes stronger results. Who is this divided man?

Today’s WOD still being challenging, it was cool to have short distance (200m) runs. (little did I know that the next day’s WOD would make up for it. Ugh.)

I am still really enjoying the gym and often stick around after the WOD, when I have time, to chat about the WOD and revel in watching the next group get worked by the WOD. Haha, evil but entertaining.


“No, Calvin.”
“No, Calvin.”
“Then can I have a cookie?”
“No, Calvin.”
“She’s on to me.”

-Calvin and Hobbes

Thank you Mom and Dad for baking peanut butter chocolate cookies today. I oh so appreciate the temptation I receive when I walk in the kitchen. Oh well. : P