Back on Track 02.22.2010

by joelpilon

On the track of posting again. I am actually writing this post with in a day of doing the WOD. I have exciting news to share later in the post so read on. : ]

Side note: I would like to acknowledge and apologize those of my readers that are well versed in the English language and are aware of how the grammatical structure of my writing is lacking. Also to apologize to anyone reading who have noticed it took me a while to catch up in my posts. I know you all check my blog multiple  times a day just hoping I have posted again…okay maybe not. But thanks for reading anyway.

Warm Up

1000m row

3 rounds:

10 PVC pass throughs

10 push ups

10 knees to elbows

10 overhead squats


5 rounds:

9 one arm kettle bell swings(18 total)

15 pull ups

21 push ups

Time: 15:46

I have reached a point in my CrossFit adventure where I always look forward to the WODs. I sometimes still feel a few butterflies of wondering what the WOD will be and how destroyed I will be at the end. But I love it. It has been about a month and a half since I started and I have yet to feel like I don’t want to go in for the WOD. And certainly have never regretting going in after I finish. I always feel like I am missing out if I miss a day in the gym. I miss the community and satisfaction of completing another challenge.

Some observations of progress so you know how I am performing…in exercises like push ups, pull ups, muscle ups, ring dips and knees to elbows require the ability to support my own body weight (especially with my arms) So you might be thinking on a WOD like today, “There is no way he is getting in 75 total pull ups in a 16 minute workout. He is a BIG guy.” and you would be right. There is a bridge  to cross the gap between “SO not capable of doing one pull up!” to “capable of supporting my own body weight unassisted”. Unassisted is the the key word. There are multiple large rubber bands with different tensions to help cancel out some of the weight and allow a big guy to do a pull up or knees to elbow or ring dip. I am doing what is called a jumping pull up- jumping into the pull up while using as much arm strength as possible, and after a set of regular push ups I revert to my knees.

Now for the exciting news. It has been almost 2 months and as of today around 2pm I have lost 25 pounds! I have also lost 2 notches on my belt and working on the 3rd. It feels really good to see results! The other day I handed Loren a 25lb. dumb bell and told him I was about 2-3 lbs away from losing this much weight. It was a cool way to visualize my accomplishment. As I have said before, there is always more room for improvement, and it is nice to see that I am progressing.

QODs (I’ll give you a few to make up for the last chunk of simplistic posts)

“Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”

“I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again.”
— Stephen Grellet

“I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.”

“Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we might have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do.”