Thursday 02.25.2010

by joelpilon

This will be the last WOD for this week. Friday evening I will be heading out to Mars Hill in Seattle to hear John Piper speak for “a night of Gospel preaching”,28804,1884779_1884782_1884760,00.html

Even our society is recognizing the resurgence. TIME recognizes it as number 3 on the list. Woot! Jesus is growing His church. PTL

Warm Up

Not sure again.

Focus: 5 core exercises, 2 rounds, one minute each…

Right side plank- right arm and shoes supporting body weight focus on tight right side core.

Sit ups 1 minute (The idea is to keep moving)

Center Plank- both arms, tight core.

V-ups 1 minutes (hands to toes, or as close as possible)

Left side plank- left side focus

This was a draining mini WOD, but it really is a necessary part of so many of the exercises we do to have strong core support to prevent injury.

WOD: AMRAP in 15 mintues

5 thrusters 95lbs

10SDHP 95lbs (sumo dead lift high pulls)- squat stance, straight back, close middle grip on bar, pull bar close to body from ground to chin.

20 mountain climbers

Completed 4 rounds, with 5th through 11 mountain climbers.

I was disappointed with my performance. The focus certainly drained my energy a bit, but I realize across the WODs this week that I am still not properly fueling my body. I am not taking enough  “good calories” for my body to perform at it’s highest level for the WODs. I also think this a reason I am seeing signs of a plateau in my progress. Just need to apply the obvious to improve on this.

I am writing this on Friday afternoon and it is nice to have a recuperation day. Today is technically my day of rest because I work the next couple days. I really like coming off a few days of recoup and I can tell my muscles are stronger and my body is ready for more going into the week. I heard someone say recently that it is good to remember that hard work is a good thing for 6 days of the week and take the 7th to appreciate and reap the fruits of our labor.  Some may say “duh”, but I know that a productive week leads to a much more satisfying day of rest.


“I’ve been thinking Hobbes–”

“On a weekend?”

“Well it wasn’t on prupose–”

-Calvin and Hobbes

Enjoy your weekend!