01.15.2011 Team WOD

by joelpilon

Today is a good day to start sharing my WODs with you guys again. Because today was a crazy WOD.

I would first like to give a shout out to my friend Josh Tom who tried CrossFit for the first time today. He is going to grad school down in Waco, Tx and I have a feeling he was starting to notice a little bit of that typical grad school weight gain get to him. He said it slaughtered him, but feels great and will probably sign up for On Ramp. Awesome!

First off a little bit about where I’m at. I’ve been doing CF for just over a year now and have never regretted a day in the gym. Never. It has been totally worth it. I have lost just over 100lbs, 4 pant sizes and have had to nail 2 new holes in my belt. This is the same belt that I had reached the last notch on a year and a half ago. So roughly 10 inches off the waist. It feels amazing, but I have about 45lbs. more to go before I hit my goal of losing 140 and weighing around 245.

Today’s WOD was team style, so me and Andy were paired up to get the work done together, and it was all about a 53lb. kettle bell(KB). (Sidenote: if you don’t recognize some of the language, just google it)

RULE: Over the course of the WOD one person had to be holding the KB at all times and hanging, not just resting somewhere on your body. If the KB is dropped or rested for any reason there is a 5 burpee penalty before you can continue the WOD.  Here we go…

One person row 1000m

The while the other run 400m with KB

Each member completes both run and row

Next one person does work while the other holds the KB

25 Hand Stand Push Ups (HSPU scaled version that used the same movements, but less weight)

50 Burpee Pull Ups

50 Toes to Bar

50 Jumping lunges

50 Ring dips (scaled, using elastic band to cancel out some weight)

Then repeat

1000m row

400m run with KB

Time:  35 minutes and 50 seconds

Notes and thoughts: We didn’t drop the KB at all, so thankfully we had no extra burpees. During my warm up and stretching before the WOD I had a scab on my knee from a my workout on Monday that cracked open. As a result I started bleeding when I got to the jumping lunges. It looked cooler than it really was.

Obviously the things to work on are ring dips and HSPU. Ring dips are just a matter of getting stronger with repetition. My arms are just not strong enough to dip and push up my entire body weight, and that is mainly triceps. And I think that is the same issue with my HSPU. But the other thing with the HSPU is being inverted. I get blood rush really easy, and I have to walk my feet up the wall to get into a hand stand position. I really would like to improve on my pull ups as well. I can do about 3-5 pull ups consecutively with a kip, but would like to get strict pull ups down. I can do .75 to o1 strict pull up right now depending on how fresh I am. So my arms  and my grip are the weak things right now. Name an exercise that is dependent on arms and I will tell you how I struggle with it.

QOD (quote of the day)

“Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”  ~Edward Stanley

Check out the Kirkland CrossFit blog for a couple of pictures and a better description of the WOD–> http://www.kirklandcrossfit.com/