Wednesday 02.24.2010

by joelpilon

During warm up today a guy from the gym trotted in a little late and sped to get changed.  As he passed I commented, “you would not be so eager to get in on this WOD if you knew what it was.” in light of this WOD being the hardest one yet.

Warm Up

400m run

5 burpees

400m run

5 burpees

2 rounds…

10 push ups

10 pull ups

10 PVC pass throughs

Stretch as needed.

WOD- “Kelly”

5 rounds for time, 40 minute limit. Each round consisting of…

400m run

30 box jumps (boxes about 20 inches high)  jump with both feet and full extension at the top.

30 wall balls- 20lb medicine ball combo squat extend and throw ball up to 10ft target. Essentially a thruster with a medicine ball.

A guy in passing during the warm up commented, “you know it’s a hard WOD when there is a 40 minute time limit.

Time: I did not complete all 5 rounds with in 40 mintues. I finished 4 rounds plus the last 400m run.

1.75 miles running total. Why on earth would you have 800m of running in the warm up? My legs were wobbly jello by the middle of the 3rd round. Despite not completing the 5th round I was pleased that I did not revert to step ups(one leg at a time) on any of the box jumps, but continued with both feet the whole time. I actually am looking forward to seeing this WOD again down the road to see improvement.


“Life’s disappointments are harder to take when you don’t know any swear words.”

-Calvin and Hobbes

I find it amusing when I hear a foul word or 2 during a WOD. Is that bad? I suppose it could be a sign that it’s doing it’s job. : )

Why so much Calvin and Hobbes you ask? I believe that reading Calvin and Hobbes while growing up was educational. Seriously, Calvin has some really good insight on life…along with childish humor. hahah